The Jules platform is flexible & customizable to fit your needs. See how our subscribers are making use of Jules today!

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Home Life Management
Jules enables homeowners to efficiently manage the massive amount of information required to manage a household each day.
Instant access to daily reference information is a must in this modern, tech-crazed world we all live in. Some days you find yourself searching for misplaced, yet important, information that you don’t have the time to spend looking for. It can be simple ID numbers of your children like social security #, passport #, school ID, or driver’s license. It can be travel-related information like passport expiration dates, TSA pre-check numbers, global entry numbers, airline, or hotel club numbers. It can be passwords or PIN codes to streaming media services, or garage door openers. It can be checking the deductible on your auto insurance policy. It can be checking to see when you last changed the air filters in the house. This list goes on and on. If you don’t have instant access to all this information from wherever you happen to be, when you need it, the days get really long and frustrating. Leading many people to go to bed at night saying to themselves “Life is just too complicated!”. Let’s face it, everyday life is getting more and more information based!
Home Life Management with Jules:
Jules is a single, highly secure, online, easy to access from anywhere, information vault for households to store and manage every bit of information they need to get through each day. At the heart of Jules is an item library of over 400 items for subscribers to choose from. Each with the ability to attach documents to it, link it to other related items, tag each item for customized organization, locate each item, and share access to each item with a friend, contractor, or family member. An item ranges from physical things like refrigerators, cars, jewelry, and art, to things like wills, health directives, legal agreements, insurance policies, ID information for passports, driver’s licenses, birth certificates, etc. Once information is entered, finding it is equally as easy. Jules supports searching by keywords, locations, tags, records, and categories. When you open the item, you will see all other items linked to it as well as any access privileges you may have granted another person. Jules also monitors 100’s of date fields to trigger reminders when key dates are approaching and a link to the item they came from.
It is really all about making sure you are in control of your family life and not the other way around. It is going to bed at night knowing your life is in order. It is making sure you are spending the maximum amount of time doing the things that bring you joy, and not spending too much time just getting through the day. The more effectively this information is managed the happier you will be.

Secure Document Storage
Securely store critical documents and images in Jules by attaching them to items they support.
Building a folder hierarchy and uploading documents to Google Drive, iCloud, OneDrive or Dropbox does not enable you to manage the information contained in those documents that makes them worthy of being stored online in the first place. There are times however, when you just want to store documents or photographs for their visual benefit. Very importantly, when you do store them, you want to easily find them in the future. This is where the traditional “blank sheet” cloud storage services fall short.
Secure Document Storage with Jules:
Using Jules, you simply add the “Attachment Folder” item from the library, give it a name and description of the document, or set of documents you plan to attach, link it to any other item they relate to like a person, and then tag it say, with an event they related to. You can then add photos, drag & drop documents, or bulk load 100s of documents at a time. Then, when it comes time to find a document you can search for the item or related items or the tags. You can also share access to the folder item with any other Jules subscriber you like allowing for viewing or downloading depending on how you configured the access privileges.
Many easy to use, secure ways to organize your documents and extract important information off the documents for active management of that information. It takes yesterday’s “document” management to the modern form of document + information management. The primary benefit being time saving through efficiency.

Collaborate with Jules Users
Create Jules Connections with other Jules’s users to collaborate around shared information.
Sharing is not collaborating. Sharing is sharing. Collaborating is collaborating period.
Collaboration with Jules:
Jules allows the subscriber to create a Connection with any other Jules user. Once the connection link is established, you can now share any record or item in your Jules account with via Connection. You can also set access privileges for these items or records. Options such as view only, edit, manage attachments, share with additional Jules users, etc. A good example is a refrigerator item. The fridge has failed, and Joe’s repair service is coming to fix it. You share this item with Joe, so he sees before he sends someone out what the make, model and serial number is. He does a warranty and recall lookup before heading out. Once the fridge is repaired Joe adds his comments as to the condition of the fridge, what he did to repair it and maybe how long he thinks it might last. He can also add pictures of things he observed.
Working collaboratively is always more efficient than working independently. Furthermore, working around information available to all collaborators makes for a better outcome. In the example above, Joe sends a trained technician for this refrigerator’s model, he knows it is out of warranty but finds out there was a recall extending a portion of the warranty and makes a note in the record. Armed with this information, he can repair the fridge in one visit and leave behind in the Jules record his overall assessment of the fridge.

Estate Planning
Jules provides a platform for managing simple to complex estate plans.
Estate planning is all about making sure your wishes are carried out when it comes to passing along your stuff to your heirs. Sounds simple. It is not! This distribution of stuff should be a positive experience. It is you, passing along what you have worked so hard for to your heirs so they can be better off and enjoy the memories you built together. Often this process ends up in family squabbling, expectations not met, and an overall busting up of the family bond. The necessary information to implement the passing along process is scattered all over the place. Wills, trust documents, power of attorneys, health directives, executor assignments, bank account details, special directives, on and on.
Estate Planning with Jules:
Jules allows you to store every single bit of information relating to the passing along of the stuff.
- Identify who gets what items.
- Make sure all assets are accounted for.
- How to access all online accounts.
- Identify who oversees making sure all wishes are carried out.
- One place to store photo memorabilia.
- Store any messages that are to be passed on.
- Making sure all required legal documents are properly executed and up to date.
- The estate plan is carried out the way the person wanted it to.
- It is done with transparency, so a minimal number of surprises or disputes emerge.
- It gets done efficiently and timely, saving money.
- Family harmony is maintained.
- Assets are passed on efficiently with respect to tax planning.

Monitor Critical Dates
Never worry about missing critical dates such as birthdays, wedding anniversaries, passport & license expirations and more.
Missing or forgetting important dates can be costly and embarrassing! Forgetting about a loved one’s birthday or wedding anniversary can cost you in a personal way. Not realizing your passport has expired until the day of the planned trip will cost you monetarily and personally. Not realizing your car warranty is ending will cost you the opportunity to get problems fixed under the warranty period. Not realizing a car registration is expiring may cost you a fine. Not realizing your car insurance has expired may cost you a significant traffic fine.
Critical Date Monitoring with Jules:
Jules monitors 100’s of important date fields and notifies you in advance so you can take the appropriate action. Jules allows you to easily reset the date field once you have extended the expiration by renewing.
Never miss an important date! Save money and save the time it takes to recover from a missed important date. No need to continually be checking things like passports, car warranty expirations, pet license expirations, wedding anniversary, kid’s birthdays, TSA pre-check or Global Entry expirations, on and on!! Jules will keep track of these dates for you and keep you informed as needed.

Property & Casualty Insurance Management
Make sure you have insurance matching your risk appetite and you are in a position to properly support a claim.
Understanding your insurance details is complicated and something most people simply put off year after year, hoping that it will never matter. That is until it does! You have insurance for a reason. Having a clear understanding of what that reason is will be crucially important when the time comes when you need it. As life goes on, you accumulate more stuff. More high value stuff. Some people prefer to “self-insure”. That is fine if that is a conscious decision and not one made by default due to not paying attention. Keeping your insurance up to date and in sync with your changing life situation is essential. Just “having insurance” is not good enough. You need to have the right insurance for you. Too many people spend money on insurance they don’t really want or use and don’t spend money on insurance that will really matter when something valuable is lost, stolen or destroyed.
Property & Casualty Insurance Management with Jules:
Jules provides a way to record the important details for each insurance policy you carry. Simply the act of recording the limits, deductibles, exclusions, etc. forces you to give real thought as to whether these are right for you. Jules is a place to attach copies of the policy for quick and easy access. Jules monitors expiration dates so you never allow a policy to expire unintentionally. Use Jules to build a home inventory of all major components of what the insurance policy covers. When it comes time to shop your insurance to other providers you can share all the details using Jules with prospective providers. Jules allows you to link a policy to all the items it covers. You can easily toggle back and forth to be sure the coverages are right for that item.
When that event you never wanted to or thought would ever occur happens, you are prepared. The coverages you thought you had, were in fact those you did have. You have a complete inventory with appropriate records of what was insured to support your claim. The insurance does its job. You are covered according to your understanding and expectations. Thereby, avoiding the potentially massive out of pocket costs of recovering losses you thought would have been covered by the policy.
In addition, time is money. Using Jules to manage all these details saves you time as well.

Repairs & Services
Jules helps ensure critical items receive proper maintenance and timely repairs.
Let’s face, it as much as we love our stuff, it is a pain in the neck to get it regularly serviced and when it fails, repaired. Regular maintenance is necessary to get the maximum quality life out of important assets. Furthermore, failures always seem to occur at the most inopportune times. Regular maintenance will minimize sudden failures but not eliminate them. When they occur, you need a reliable quality service professional to get it repaired. With major appliances that do not fail very often, you may not even have someone to call. The chaos that follows a major appliance failure leads to long repair cycles and lengthy inconveniences. Keeping good enough records to know when your stuff needs regular maintenance or even maintenance you can and should do yourself like changing HVAC air filters is very hard to keep track of and prone to being put off, swept under the rug and hope it does not come back to bite you.
Repairs & Services with Jules:
Using Jules, you enter all the critical information pertaining to any given major appliance including the date of the next planned service. You enter the contact details for a service professional that services that specific appliance and you link the two of them. This way when the appliance needs servicing, Jules will notify you and when the appliance fails you will see the link to the service pro for you to contact. When contacting the service professional, you can share the details of the appliance so they can do the background warranty and recall lookup behind the scenes and make sure the right technician is sent and the right spare parts are on the truck.
Maximize the life of your major appliances, saving you money. Minimize the disruption and cost associated with a failed appliance by getting repairs done in one service call. Wait until you hear the reaction from a service pro when you can share with them the Make/Model/Serial #, age of the appliance and date it was last serviced.

Reference Information Needed Daily
Jules is available on any device, so you have around the clock access to information you need daily.
Today it is expected you have access to 100’s of pieces of digital information. Logins, passwords, license numbers, passport numbers, credit card 3-digit codes, ATM pin codes, garage access code numbers, travel numbers like TSA pre-check or Global Entry, your children’s social security numbers, second factor security codes, WIFI passwords, streaming video service logins, Apple ID passwords, Apple iTunes passwords, Microsoft account passwords, Google, on and on it goes. Trying to keep all this information in your head is impossible. Keeping it all in a spreadsheet or list locally on your laptop, in DropBox, on your phone is not only not secure but not usually accessible when and where you need it. Worse yet is keeping it all in a note pad or yellow stickies. The cost is one of time. Time is money. Time is the scarcest commodity we all own. When you file your taxes, most states require driver’s license details like your driver’s license numbers, issue dates, and expiration dates for each person you file a return for. If you are renewing your TSA Pre-Check, it requires the same details plus an image of the license or passport.
Reference Information with Jules:
Jules is highly secure and accessible to you or those you choose to share Connections with. Jules allows you to store 100’s of these types of information elements. From your phone, tablet or PC, can access all this information instantly. It takes only seconds to input the information item and seconds to retrieve the information.
Massive time saving and frustration elimination. We estimate at least 2 hours per day on average can be saved by using Jules to store all this critical daily use information. Plus, Jules is far more secure than any of the storage methods referenced above. You will be shocked to realize the total amount of time you spend hunting around for passwords, PIN codes, driver’s license numbers, passport numbers, travel numbers, etc.

24/7 Access to Medical Information
Securely manage and share your own medical information or collaborate with others to manage loved one’s medical information.
There is a lot of uncertainty as to when and how people will need to provide proof of their Covid-19 vaccination status. Getting back to work in an office, getting on a plane, allowed into a baseball stadium, being served in a restaurant, etc. Using only the physical record card you are issued by the administrator of the vaccine is full of risk. Loss, stolen, damage, illegible, forgot it, etc.
COVID-19 Vaccine Record Management with Jules:
Enter the detailed information from the card into the right fields and attach a copy of the card to the item. If you have your phone with you, your covid-19 record and the proof needed will also be with you and available.
Instant access to details and image proof of the Covid-19 vaccination record. No need to carry the original card. Store it in a safe place. Jules is far more secure than carrying the original.

Manage the Affairs of Elderly Relatives
Improper handling of a relative’s affairs can have serious consequences. Jules helps you avoid costly mistakes and family bust-ups.
Whether you are a named executor of a relative’s will, trust, health directive, have power of attorney with respect to financial affairs, or you are just trying to help a family member that needs your help, these tasks quickly become complicated and time-consuming. In addition, if they are not handled properly can lead to significant financial losses, lawsuits and worse yet family bust ups! There are enormous amounts of detailed information required to properly manage someone else’s affairs. Managing someone’s health requires details pertaining to the various doctors involved, medication being prescribed and taken, directed health wishes, and more. Managing someone’s financial affairs requires access to the financial accounts and records of other high value assets and requires a signed power of attorney with respect to these accounts and records.
All the above is predicated on the elderly relative “having their affairs in order”. Making sure there is a will or trust, health directive, power of attorney for the health directive and financial affairs, named beneficiaries on all large bank accounts, etc. Obviously, all these require witnessed or notarized signatures and should be reviewed and updated at least every 5 years or when circumstances change.
Managing the Affairs of Relatives with Jules:
Jules provides a safe and secure way to store all the needed information to properly administer the affairs of a relative or friend who cannot do it themselves and has asked for your help. It is often the case that multiple family members will collaborate in this task. Jules fully supports this approach. The people collaborating simply create a Connection in Jules and then they can share access to information with each other as it relates to the affairs of the induvial needing the help. For example, two siblings of an aging mother might divide the responsibility having one sibling handle the health-related issues and the other the financial affairs. Both would also be the back-up for each other needing access to all the other’s information. If this elderly relative should end up in a hospital needing immediate treatment, both siblings would have instant access to the list of medications the parent is taking and the dosages. Critical information for the doctors in the hospital to have when formulating a treatment plan.
We have already had a case where a life was saved by this information being readily accessible in Jules. Overall, the benefit of all this detail information being managed in Jules is one of time saving and a forced discipline to make sure it is done properly. The costs can be enormous if it is not done properly both in financial losses as well as family harmony. This applies both to while the relative is still living and needs your help and once the relative passes away and their estate is to be distributed to their named beneficiaries.

Home Life Management
Jules enables homeowners to efficiently manage the massive amount of information required to manage a household each day.

Secure Document Storage
Securely store critical documents and images in Jules by attaching them to items they support.

Collaborate with Jules Users
Create Jules Connections with other Jules users to collaborate around shared information.
Instant access to daily reference information is a must in this modern, tech-crazed world we all live in. Some days you find yourself searching for misplaced, yet important, information that you don’t have the time to spend looking for. It can be simple ID numbers of your children like social security #, passport #, school ID, or driver’s license. It can be travel-related information like passport expiration dates, TSA pre-check numbers, global entry numbers, airline, or hotel club numbers. It can be passwords or PIN codes to streaming media services, or garage door openers. It can be checking the deductible on your auto insurance policy. It can be checking to see when you last changed the air filters in the house. This list goes on and on. If you don’t have instant access to all this information from wherever you happen to be, when you need it, the days get really long and frustrating. Leading many people to go to bed at night saying to themselves “Life is just too complicated!”. Let’s face it, everyday life is getting more and more information based!
Home Life Management with Jules:
Jules is a single, highly secure, online, easy to access from anywhere, information vault for households to store and manage every bit of information they need to get through each day. At the heart of Jules is an item library of over 400 items for subscribers to choose from. Each with the ability to attach documents to it, link it to other related items, tag each item for customized organization, locate each item, and share access to each item with a friend, contractor, or family member. An item ranges from physical things like refrigerators, cars, jewelry, and art, to things like wills, health directives, legal agreements, insurance policies, ID information for passports, driver’s licenses, birth certificates, etc. Once information is entered, finding it is equally as easy. Jules supports searching by keywords, locations, tags, records, and categories. When you open the item, you will see all other items linked to it as well as any access privileges you may have granted another person. Jules also monitors 100’s of date fields to trigger reminders when key dates are approaching and a link to the item they came from.
It is really all about making sure you are in control of your family life and not the other way around. It is going to bed at night knowing your life is in order. It is making sure you are spending the maximum amount of time doing the things that bring you joy, and not spending too much time just getting through the day. The more effectively this information is managed the happier you will be.
Building a folder hierarchy and uploading documents to Google Drive, iCloud, OneDrive or Dropbox does not enable you to manage the information contained in those documents that makes them worthy of being stored online in the first place. There are times however, when you just want to store documents or photographs for their visual benefit. Very importantly, when you do store them, you want to easily find them in the future. This is where the traditional “blank sheet” cloud storage services fall short.
Secure Document Storage with Jules:
Using Jules, you simply add the “Attachment Folder” item from the library, give it a name and description of the document, or set of documents you plan to attach, link it to any other item they relate to like a person, and then tag it say, with an event they related to. You can then add photos, drag & drop documents, or bulk load 100s of documents at a time. Then, when it comes time to find a document you can search for the item or related items or the tags. You can also share access to the folder item with any other Jules subscriber you like allowing for viewing or downloading depending on how you configured the access privileges.
Many easy to use, secure ways to organize your documents and extract important information off the documents for active management of that information. It takes yesterday’s “document” management to the modern form of document + information management. The primary benefit being time saving through efficiency.
Sharing is not collaborating. Sharing is sharing. Collaborating is collaborating period.
Collaboration with Jules:
Jules allows the subscriber to create a Connection with any other Jules user. Once the connection link is established, you can now share any record or item in your Jules account with via Connection. You can also set access privileges for these items or records. Options such as view only, edit, manage attachments, share with additional Jules users, etc. A good example is a refrigerator item. The fridge has failed, and Joe’s repair service is coming to fix it. You share this item with Joe, so he sees before he sends someone out what the make, model and serial number is. He does a warranty and recall lookup before heading out. Once the fridge is repaired Joe adds his comments as to the condition of the fridge, what he did to repair it and maybe how long he thinks it might last. He can also add pictures of things he observed.
Working collaboratively is always more efficient than working independently. Furthermore, working around information available to all collaborators makes for a better outcome. In the example above, Joe sends a trained technician for this refrigerator’s model, he knows it is out of warranty but finds out there was a recall extending a portion of the warranty and makes a note in the record. Armed with this information, he can repair the fridge in one visit and leave behind in the Jules record his overall assessment of the fridge.

Estate Planning
Jules provides a platform for managing estate plans ranging form simple to complex.

Monitor Critical Dates
Never worry about missing critical dates such as birthdays, wedding anniversaries, passport & license expirations and more.

Property & Casualty Insurance Management
Make sure you have insurance matching your risk appetite and you are in a position to properly support a claim.
Estate planning is all about making sure your wishes are carried out when it comes to passing along your stuff to your heirs. Sounds simple. It is not! This distribution of stuff should be a positive experience. It is you, passing along what you have worked so hard for to your heirs so they can be better off and enjoy the memories you built together. Often this process ends up in family squabbling, expectations not met, and an overall busting up of the family bond. The necessary information to implement the passing along process is scattered all over the place. Wills, trust documents, power of attorneys, health directives, executor assignments, bank account details, special directives, on and on.
Estate Planning with Jules:
Jules allows you to store every single bit of information relating to the passing along of the stuff.
- Identify who gets what items.
- Make sure all assets are accounted for.
- How to access all online accounts.
- Identify who oversees making sure all wishes are carried out.
- One place to store photo memorabilia.
- Store any messages that are to be passed on.
- Making sure all required legal documents are properly executed and up to date.
- The estate plan is carried out the way the person wanted it to.
- It is done with transparency, so a minimal number of surprises or disputes emerge.
- It gets done efficiently and timely, saving money.
- Family harmony is maintained.
- Assets are passed on efficiently with respect to tax planning.
Missing or forgetting important dates can be costly and embarrassing! Forgetting about a loved one’s birthday or wedding anniversary can cost you in a personal way. Not realizing your passport has expired until the day of the planned trip will cost you monetarily and personally. Not realizing your car warranty is ending will cost you the opportunity to get problems fixed under the warranty period. Not realizing a car registration is expiring may cost you a fine. Not realizing your car insurance has expired may cost you a significant traffic fine.
Critical Date Monitoring with Jules:
Jules monitors 100’s of important date fields and notifies you in advance so you can take the appropriate action. Jules allows you to easily reset the date field once you have extended the expiration by renewing.
Never miss an important date! Save money and save the time it takes to recover from a missed important date. No need to continually be checking things like passports, car warranty expirations, pet license expirations, wedding anniversary, kid’s birthdays, TSA pre-check or Global Entry expirations, on and on!! Jules will keep track of these dates for you and keep you informed as needed.
Understanding your insurance details is complicated and something most people simply put off year after year, hoping that it will never matter. That is until it does! You have insurance for a reason. Having a clear understanding of what that reason is will be crucially important when the time comes when you need it. As life goes on, you accumulate more stuff. More high value stuff. Some people prefer to “self-insure”. That is fine if that is a conscious decision and not one made by default due to not paying attention. Keeping your insurance up to date and in sync with your changing life situation is essential. Just “having insurance” is not good enough. You need to have the right insurance for you. Too many people spend money on insurance they don’t really want or use and don’t spend money on insurance that will really matter when something valuable is lost, stolen or destroyed.
Property & Casualty Insurance Management with Jules:
Jules provides a way to record the important details for each insurance policy you carry. Simply the act of recording the limits, deductibles, exclusions, etc. forces you to give real thought as to whether these are right for you. Jules is a place to attach copies of the policy for quick and easy access. Jules monitors expiration dates so you never allow a policy to expire unintentionally. Use Jules to build a home inventory of all major components of what the insurance policy covers. When it comes time to shop your insurance to other providers you can share all the details using Jules with prospective providers. Jules allows you to link a policy to all the items it covers. You can easily toggle back and forth to be sure the coverages are right for that item.
When that event you never wanted to or thought would ever occur happens, you are prepared. The coverages you thought you had, were in fact those you did have. You have a complete inventory with appropriate records of what was insured to support your claim. The insurance does its job. You are covered according to your understanding and expectations. Thereby, avoiding the potentially massive out of pocket costs of recovering losses you thought would have been covered by the policy.
In addition, time is money. Using Jules to manage all these details saves you time as well.

Repairs & Services
Jules helps ensure critical items receive proper maintenance and timely repairs.

Reference Information Needed Daily
Jules is available on any device, so you have around the clock access to information you need daily.

24/7 Access to Medical Information
Securely manage and share your own medical information or collaborate with others to manage a loved one’s medical information.
Let’s face, it as much as we love our stuff, it is a pain in the neck to get it regularly serviced and when it fails, repaired. Regular maintenance is necessary to get the maximum quality life out of important assets. Furthermore, failures always seem to occur at the most inopportune times. Regular maintenance will minimize sudden failures but not eliminate them. When they occur, you need a reliable quality service professional to get it repaired. With major appliances that do not fail very often, you may not even have someone to call. The chaos that follows a major appliance failure leads to long repair cycles and lengthy inconveniences. Keeping good enough records to know when your stuff needs regular maintenance or even maintenance you can and should do yourself like changing HVAC air filters is very hard to keep track of and prone to being put off, swept under the rug and hope it does not come back to bite you.
Repairs & Services with Jules:
Using Jules, you enter all the critical information pertaining to any given major appliance including the date of the next planned service. You enter the contact details for a service professional that services that specific appliance and you link the two of them. This way when the appliance needs servicing, Jules will notify you and when the appliance fails you will see the link to the service pro for you to contact. When contacting the service professional, you can share the details of the appliance so they can do the background warranty and recall lookup behind the scenes and make sure the right technician is sent and the right spare parts are on the truck.
Maximize the life of your major appliances, saving you money. Minimize the disruption and cost associated with a failed appliance by getting repairs done in one service call. Wait until you hear the reaction from a service pro when you can share with them the Make/Model/Serial #, age of the appliance and date it was last serviced.
Today it is expected you have access to 100’s of pieces of digital information. Logins, passwords, license numbers, passport numbers, credit card 3-digit codes, ATM pin codes, garage access code numbers, travel numbers like TSA pre-check or Global Entry, your children’s social security numbers, second factor security codes, WIFI passwords, streaming video service logins, Apple ID passwords, Apple iTunes passwords, Microsoft account passwords, Google, on and on it goes. Trying to keep all this information in your head is impossible. Keeping it all in a spreadsheet or list locally on your laptop, in DropBox, on your phone is not only not secure but not usually accessible when and where you need it. Worse yet is keeping it all in a note pad or yellow stickies. The cost is one of time. Time is money. Time is the scarcest commodity we all own. When you file your taxes, most states require driver’s license details like your driver’s license numbers, issue dates, and expiration dates for each person you file a return for. If you are renewing your TSA Pre-Check, it requires the same details plus an image of the license or passport.
Reference Information with Jules:
Jules is highly secure and accessible to you or those you choose to share Connections with. Jules allows you to store 100’s of these types of information elements. From your phone, tablet or PC, can access all this information instantly. It takes only seconds to input the information item and seconds to retrieve the information.
Massive time saving and frustration elimination. We estimate at least 2 hours per day on average can be saved by using Jules to store all this critical daily use information. Plus, Jules is far more secure than any of the storage methods referenced above. You will be shocked to realize the total amount of time you spend hunting around for passwords, PIN codes, driver’s license numbers, passport numbers, travel numbers, etc.
There is a lot of uncertainty as to when and how people will need to provide proof of their Covid-19 vaccination status. Getting back to work in an office, getting on a plane, allowed into a baseball stadium, being served in a restaurant, etc. Using only the physical record card you are issued by the administrator of the vaccine is full of risk. Loss, stolen, damage, illegible, forgot it, etc.
COVID-19 Vaccine Record Management with Jules:
Enter the detailed information from the card into the right fields and attach a copy of the card to the item. If you have your phone with you, your covid-19 record and the proof needed will also be with you and available.
Instant access to details and image proof of the Covid-19 vaccination record. No need to carry the original card. Store it in a safe place. Jules is far more secure than carrying the original.

Manage the Affairs of Elderly Relatives
Improper handling of a relative’s affairs can have serious consequences. Jules helps you avoid costly mistakes and family bust-ups.
Whether you are a named executor of a relative’s will, trust, health directive, have power of attorney with respect to financial affairs, or you are just trying to help a family member that needs your help, these tasks quickly become complicated and time-consuming. In addition, if they are not handled properly can lead to significant financial losses, lawsuits and worse yet family bust ups! There are enormous amounts of detailed information required to properly manage someone else’s affairs. Managing someone’s health requires details pertaining to the various doctors involved, medication being prescribed and taken, directed health wishes, and more. Managing someone’s financial affairs requires access to the financial accounts and records of other high value assets, and requires a signed power of attorney with respect to these accounts and records.
All the above is predicated on the elderly relative “having their affairs in order”. Making sure there is a will or trust, health directive, power of attorney for the health directive and financial affairs, named beneficiaries on all large bank accounts, etc. Obviously, all these require witnessed or notarized signatures and should be reviewed and updated at least every 5 years or when circumstances change.
Managing the Affairs of Relatives with Jules:
Jules provides a safe and secure way to store all the needed information to properly administer the affairs of a relative or friend who cannot do it themselves and has asked for your help. It is often the case that multiple family members will collaborate in this task. Jules fully supports this approach. The people collaborating simply create a Connection in Jules and then they can share access to information with each other as it relates to the affairs of the induvial needing the help. For example, two siblings of an aging mother might divide the responsibility having one sibling handle the health-related issues and the other the financial affairs. Both would also be the back-up for each other needing access to all the other’s information. If this elderly relative should end up in a hospital needing immediate treatment, both siblings would have instant access to the list of medications the parent is taking and the dosages. Critical information for the doctors in the hospital to have when formulating a treatment plan.
We have already had a case where a life was saved by this information being readily accessible in Jules. Overall, the benefit of all this detail information being managed in Jules is one of time saving and a forced discipline to make sure it is done properly. The costs can be enormous if it is not done properly both in financial losses as well as family harmony. This applies both to while the relative is still living and needs your help and once the relative passes away and their estate is to be distributed to their named beneficiaries.

Electronic Property Information Record (ePIR)
The Jules ePIR is a secure place to store and manage all the details of a property.
When a build project is completed and the new owner takes possession, they receive a plastic box or large set of three ring binders stuffed with user manuals, color palettes, care instructions, warranty cards, registration information, all in paper form. Most new homeowners never open these binders. Often the user manuals are for a range of models and do not include the specific model # of the item you have and rarely include serial numbers. Obviously, as manufacturers update their manuals, the manuals the homeowner has becomes obsolete. Information in this form is not easily shared nor accessible remotely.
Electronic Property Information Record with Jules:
Using Jules, the Builder creates an ePIR as the build project progresses. As things become “as-built” the details get added to Jules. When appliances arrive onsite the project manager can enter the details right from the detail label affixed to the outside of the box. From the design book or when paint gets applied to walls or tile laid on floors the details get added to Jules. When the HVAC equipment arrives onsite the details get added to Jules. Try finding these details once a furnace is installed in a tight crawl space in the attic or basement. All subcontractors contact information and license details can be added then linked to the part of the house they are responsible for. The details relating to their work can be shared with the subcontractor. Care instructions and recommended regular service plans get input into the ePIR.
When the project is complete, the new owner opens a personal Jules account, and the builder then transfers the ePIR to their account. The new owner then shares this record with the builder so effective collaboration occurs during the home warranty period. A typical “punch list” is created in Jules along with work orders as work is identified. All done collaboratively between the owner, the builder and any subcontractor doing the work. Full transparency.
The ePIR is then maintained by the current homeowner and when the property is sold in the future the ePIR is transferred again to the new owner adding value to the home each step of the way. As remodels get performed on the house the homeowner shares the record with the chosen contractor and they update the ePIR as the remodel project proceeds.
The builder has a new powerful tool to better manage the build project with all the details of what is in the house available online to the entire team working on the project. Better coordination leads to less costly re-work, more efficient scheduling, better quality home and overall lower build cost. When the project is complete, the builder delivers to the owner an ePIR which is far more valuable than its predecessor (plastic binder full of paper), thereby earning the reputation as a leading-edge tech builder and increasing project profitability all the way through the warranty period. As a result of the care and recommended maintenance schedules having been input into Jules, notifications trigger when the time comes for the homeowner to perform the care and maintenance insuring a better outcome for the homeowner and improved customer satisfaction for the builder.

Manage Business Equipment & Information
Manage the critical details relating to your business with Jules such as equipment, contracts, licenses and more.
If a builder owns company pick-up trucks, earth moving equipment, and other high value tools, keeping all these properly serviced and repaired can be a large task. Having essential equipment break down due to not properly maintaining it can be costly to a project. Also, tracking depreciated value, registration expirations, business insurance details, legal contracts, etc. all needs to be effectively managed.
Manage Business Equipment and Info with Jules:
Jules provides a highly secure, online place to easily store and manage all this information. All critical expiration date fields are monitored, and notifications are triggered when a date is nearing an expiration. Jules allows you to set an expected life on any major equipment and track its depreciated value. When a piece of equipment breaks down in the field, you have all the information at your fingertips to start the repair process. You can add service professionals and link them to the equipment they service. When you search for the failed piece of equipment, the linked service professional will also appear. You can then create a work order and share it with this service pro to manage the repair process.
Maximize the lifetime value of all major equipment and minimize downtime of equipment thereby improving build project efficiency. Saving time and saving money while making sure all business information is managed securely and effectively avoids unnecessary costs when contracts or policies expire or cannot be located in a timely manner regardless of location.

Electronic Property Information Record (ePIR)
The Jules ePIR is a secure place to store and manage all the details of a property.

Manage Business Equipment & Information
Manage the critical details relating to your business with Jules such as equipment, contracts, licenses and more.
When a build project is completed and the new owner takes possession, they receive a plastic box or large set of three ring binders stuffed with user manuals, color palettes, care instructions, warranty cards, registration information, all in paper form. Most new homeowners never open these binders. Often the user manuals are for a range of models and do not include the specific model # of the item you have and rarely include serial numbers. Obviously, as manufacturers update their manuals, the manuals the homeowner has becomes obsolete. Information in this form is not easily shared nor accessible remotely.
Electronic Property Information Record with Jules:
Using Jules, the Builder creates an ePIR as the build project progresses. As things become “as-built” the details get added to Jules. When appliances arrive onsite the project manager can enter the details right from the detail label affixed to the outside of the box. From the design book or when paint gets applied to walls or tile laid on floors the details get added to Jules. When the HVAC equipment arrives onsite the details get added to Jules. Try finding these details once a furnace is installed in a tight crawl space in the attic or basement. All subcontractors contact information and license details can be added then linked to the part of the house they are responsible for. The details relating to their work can be shared with the subcontractor. Care instructions and recommended regular service plans get input into the ePIR.
When the project is complete, the new owner opens a personal Jules account, and the builder then transfers the ePIR to their account. The new owner then shares this record with the builder so effective collaboration occurs during the home warranty period. A typical “punch list” is created in Jules along with work orders as work is identified. All done collaboratively between the owner, the builder and any subcontractor doing the work. Full transparency.
The ePIR is then maintained by the current homeowner and when the property is sold in the future the ePIR is transferred again to the new owner adding value to the home each step of the way. As remodels get performed on the house the homeowner shares the record with the chosen contractor and they update the ePIR as the remodel project proceeds.
The builder has a new powerful tool to better manage the build project with all the details of what is in the house available online to the entire team working on the project. Better coordination leads to less costly re-work, more efficient scheduling, better quality home and overall lower build cost. When the project is complete, the builder delivers to the owner an ePIR which is far more valuable than its predecessor (plastic binder full of paper), thereby earning the reputation as a leading-edge tech builder and increasing project profitability all the way through the warranty period. As a result of the care and recommended maintenance schedules having been input into Jules, notifications trigger when the time comes for the homeowner to perform the care and maintenance insuring a better outcome for the homeowner and improved customer satisfaction for the builder.
If a builder owns company pick-up trucks, earth moving equipment, and other high value tools, keeping all these properly serviced and repaired can be a large task. Having essential equipment break down due to not properly maintaining it can be costly to a project. Also, tracking depreciated value, registration expirations, business insurance details, legal contracts, etc. all needs to be effectively managed.
Manage Business Equipment and Info with Jules:
Jules provides a highly secure, online place to easily store and manage all this information. All critical expiration date fields are monitored, and notifications are triggered when a date is nearing an expiration. Jules allows you to set an expected life on any major equipment and track its depreciated value. When a piece of equipment breaks down in the field, you have all the information at your fingertips to start the repair process. You can add service professionals and link them to the equipment they service. When you search for the failed piece of equipment, the linked service professional will also appear. You can then create a work order and share it with this service pro to manage the repair process.
Maximize the lifetime value of all major equipment and minimize downtime of equipment thereby improving build project efficiency. Saving time and saving money while making sure all business information is managed securely and effectively avoids unnecessary costs when contracts or policies expire or cannot be located in a timely manner regardless of location.

Electronic Property Information Record (ePIR)
The Jules electronic Property Information Record makes managing properties a breeze, whether you are managing one property or an entire rental pool.
Whether you are managing one property for a private owner or many properties in a rental pool, if you do not have access to the details of everything in the property your job just got a whole lot harder. When equipment needs fixing or servicing, and you are not onsite to capture the details regarding the item in need of repairs, getting the repair scheduled and completed efficiently and cost effectively is very unlikely. Keeping track of alarm codes, access codes, WIFI passwords, heating and entertainment instructions, service professionals, location of water and gas shutoff valves etc. is also next to impossible if you do not have an online place to store and manage this information. All this leads to unhappy owners and renters. In this modern era of technology owners and renters expect quick service and answers to these issues. You cannot count on being onsite to respond to the many issues that arise.
Electronic Property Information Record with Jules:
Jules provides a property manager an easy-to-use platform for managing all the information that relates to managing a property. It starts with details of each item in the home. Equipment, furniture, TV’s, location of emergency shutoff valves like gas and water, etc. Also includes information pertaining to all utility providers and service professionals that keep the home running. If one service professional is used to service multiple properties, Jules allows you to link that service pro to each property they service. Jules also provides a place to store and manage insurance certifications, W9 forms, short term rental permits, etc. All expiration date fields are monitored, and notifications are triggered when any are coming due for renewal. The property manager can generate a work order when repairs are needed and share access to this work order with the service professional performing the work.
With access to all this information online, a property manager can manage more properties efficiently and at a lower cost. They can quickly address emergency situations like gas or water leaks. In addition, each ePIR can ultimately become the responsibility of the owner to maintain. The homeowner then shares access to the ePIR with the property manager so they can effectively collaborate when it comes to shared responsibilities. The property manager, the homeowner, and the renter all have a better experience.

Electronic Property Information Record for Community Properties
The Jules ePIR can also be used to manage community property such as restaurants, fitness centers, golf maintenance equipment and more.
Whether you are managing a restaurant with a commercial kitchen, a fitness center full of equipment, or a golf club with a clubhouse and a full set of golf course maintenance equipment, there will be enormous, detailed information required to do it efficiently. If this information is not readily available any time, any day, your business operations will suffer. Just the HVAC equipment alone can run into the $500K range. This equipment requires regular maintenance and timely repairs when problems arise. You need on-call service professionals to provide maintenance and repairs. In turn, these professional service technicians need to know what they are repairing. Significant collaboration amongst all parties will be required to keep any significant operation running smoothly.
ePIR for Community Properties with Jules
The Jules ePIR provides all the items a commercial operation requires whether it is a golf course, a restaurant, a fitness center, a clubhouse, a community pool, or spas. The property manager builds the ePIR by first selecting all the items present on the property then inputs all the details. Jules also offers a commercial White Glove service to help with this activity. Once the details are in the ePIR then the service professionals on call can add their information. The property manager then links and shares the relevant item details to and with the assigned service professional. Thus, enabling full collaboration amongst all parties responsible the smooth operation of the facilities.
Proper maintenance of major equipment is insured leading to maximum useful life for each piece of equipment. Repairs are performed promptly as the technician arrives armed with the full knowledge of what he or she is coming to repair. Keeping critical equipment running at all times is essential to the profitable operation of the community services. Any downtime is lost revenue or increased cost of operation.

Electronic Property Information Record (ePIR)
The Jules electronic Property Information Record makes managing properties a breeze, whether you are managing one property or an entire rental pool.

Electronic Property Information Record (ePIR) for Community Properties
The Jules ePIR can also be used to manage community properties such as restaurants, fitness centers, golf courses, and more.
Whether you are managing one property for a private owner or many properties in a rental pool, if you do not have access to the details of everything in the property your job just got a whole lot harder. When equipment needs fixing or servicing, and you are not onsite to capture the details regarding the item in need of repairs, getting the repair scheduled and completed efficiently and cost effectively is very unlikely. Keeping track of alarm codes, access codes, WIFI passwords, heating and entertainment instructions, service professionals, location of water and gas shutoff valves etc. is also next to impossible if you do not have an online place to store and manage this information. All this leads to unhappy owners and renters. In this modern era of technology owners and renters expect quick service and answers to these issues. You cannot count on being onsite to respond to the many issues that arise.
Electronic Property Information Record with Jules:
Jules provides a property manager an easy-to-use platform for managing all the information that relates to managing a property. It starts with details of each item in the home. Equipment, furniture, TV’s, location of emergency shutoff valves like gas and water, etc. Also includes information pertaining to all utility providers and service professionals that keep the home running. If one service professional is used to service multiple properties, Jules allows you to link that service pro to each property they service. Jules also provides a place to store and manage insurance certifications, W9 forms, short term rental permits, etc. All expiration date fields are monitored, and notifications are triggered when any are coming due for renewal. The property manager can generate a work order when repairs are needed and share access to this work order with the service professional performing the work.
With access to all this information online, a property manager can manage more properties efficiently and at a lower cost. They can quickly address emergency situations like gas or water leaks. In addition, each ePIR can ultimately become the responsibility of the owner to maintain. The homeowner then shares access to the ePIR with the property manager so they can effectively collaborate when it comes to shared responsibilities. The property manager, the homeowner, and the renter all have a better experience.
Whether you are managing a restaurant with a commercial kitchen, a fitness center full of equipment, or a golf club with a clubhouse and a full set of golf course maintenance equipment, there will be enormous, detailed information required to do it efficiently. If this information is not readily available any time, any day, your business operations will suffer. Just the HVAC equipment alone can run into the $500K range. This equipment requires regular maintenance and timely repairs when problems arise. You need on-call service professionals to provide maintenance and repairs. In turn, these professional service technicians need to know what they are repairing. Significant collaboration amongst all parties will be required to keep any significant operation running smoothly.
ePIR for Community Properties with Jules
The Jules ePIR provides all the items a commercial operation requires whether it is a golf course, a restaurant, a fitness center, a clubhouse, a community pool, or spas. The property manager builds the ePIR by first selecting all the items present on the property then inputs all the details. Jules also offers a commercial White Glove service to help with this activity. Once the details are in the ePIR then the service professionals on call can add their information. The property manager then links and shares the relevant item details to and with the assigned service professional. Thus, enabling full collaboration amongst all parties responsible the smooth operation of the facilities.
Proper maintenance of major equipment is insured leading to maximum useful life for each piece of equipment. Repairs are performed promptly as the technician arrives armed with the full knowledge of what he or she is coming to repair. Keeping critical equipment running at all times is essential to the profitable operation of the community services. Any downtime is lost revenue or increased cost of operation.

Electronic Property Information Record (ePIR)
Every home deserves an electronic Property Information Record (ePIR).
A Jules ePIR allows you to quickly add value to a listing and differentiate from the competition.
Finding out exactly what is in each house listing is near impossible. Details such as the make and model of the kitchen appliances, the age of all major equipment, the type of wood used for the flooring, the brand of windows and doors, the material used for the main kitchen counter, paint colors, plumbing and lighting fixtures, earthquake standards, presence of gas shutoff valves or leak detection systems, etc. Without access to this detailed information, pricing and marketing a home, defending a homes value in price negotiation, and responding to prospective buyer’s questions all become more time consuming, error prone and challenging.
Electronic Property Information Record with Jules:
Using Jules, the listing realtor adds all the details of a home when they do the initial walk-through with selling homeowner. The listing agent can request the homeowner add the information or can contract with Jules for our White Glove service to do it. It is also possible the listed home already has a Jules ePIR. Realtors should ask first. If any work is being done in anticipation of the new listing this all can be added to the Jules ePIR. All information pertaining to the utilities servicing the home can be added. Same for existing maintenance and repair contractors the new buyer may wish to employ.
The more the listing agent knows about the property the more likely they are to get an optimized price for the home. With easy access to the details about the house, the smoother the selling process will go – enabling an agent to manage more listings at one time. Reduce the risk of communicating incorrect information about a home to a prospective buyer that could lead to a sale falling through. Finally, an ePIR makes a great housewarming gift for the new buyers. Something they will really use and appreciate when they move in.

Manage Staging Furniture
24/7 access to the details and location of all your staging furniture.
With multiple listings and multiple warehouse locations, managing staging furniture is a major challenge for realtors that do their own staging. Knowing where each piece of furniture is at any given time is a challenge. When walking a potential new listing and trying to decide what furniture would go best given the available inventory, color schemes and size constraints is also a challenge.
Manage Staging Furniture with Jules:
Jules provides a place to input all the relevant details for a piece of staging furniture. Attach an image of the piece, purchase date and amount, use linking or tagging to create a set of furniture, add size measurements, and more. Also add the location of each item. Where is that piece now? Is it in listing A or warehouse B? Once the ePIR is created for the listing you wish to furnish, the two can be used together to create the right staging setup given the constraints noted above. From the kitchen of the new listing home the realtor can use to Jules to see what furniture is available, which set matches best in the home décor, and where it is currently located. Jules can help you create a work order to have it picked up and delivered to the new listing.
More efficient management of the staging furniture inventory. Do more with less. Optimal match of furniture sets to target listing homes leads to better outcomes in the selling process and a lower cost of staging inventory. In addition, should a buyer wish to buy the staging furniture along with the house, you have records of what was paid and the current value to properly price the furniture for purchase.

Electronic Property Information Record (ePIR)
Every home deserves an electronic Property Information Record (ePIR).

Manage Staging Furniture
Retain 24/7 access to the details and location of all your staging furniture.
A Jules ePIR allows you to quickly add value to a listing and differentiate from the competition.
Finding out exactlywhat is in each house listing is near impossible. Details such as the make and model of the kitchen appliances, the age of all major equipment, the type of wood used for the flooring, the brand of windows and doors, the material used for the main kitchen counter, paint colors, plumbing and lighting fixtures, earthquake standards, presence of gas shutoff valves or leak detection systems, etc. Without access to this detailed information, pricing and marketing a home, defending a homes value in price negotiation, and responding to prospective buyer’s questions all become more time consuming, error prone and challenging.
Electronic Property Information Record with Jules:
Using Jules, the listing realtor adds all the details of a home when they do the initial walk-through with selling homeowner. The listing agent can request the homeowner add the information or can contract with Jules for our White Glove service to do it. It is also possible the listed home already has a Jules ePIR. Realtors should ask first. If any work is being done in anticipation of the new listing this all can be added to the Jules ePIR. All information pertaining to the utilities servicing the home can be added. Same for existing maintenance and repair contractors the new buyer may wish to employ.
The more the listing agent knows about the property the more likely they are to get an optimized price for the home. With easy access to the details about the house, the smoother the selling process will go – enabling an agent to manage more listings at one time. Reduce the risk of communicating incorrect information about a home to a prospective buyer that could lead to a sale falling through. Finally, an ePIR makes a great housewarming gift for the new buyers. Something they will really use and appreciate when they move in.
With multiple listings and multiple warehouse locations, managing staging furniture is a major challenge for realtors that do their own staging. Knowing where each piece of furniture is at any given time is a challenge. When walking a potential new listing and trying to decide what furniture would go best given the available inventory, color schemes and size constraints is also a challenge.
Manage Staging Furniture with Jules:
Jules provides a place to input all the relevant details for a piece of staging furniture. Attach an image of the piece, purchase date and amount, use linking or tagging to create a set of furniture, add size measurements, and more. Also add the location of each item. Where is that piece now? Is it in listing A or warehouse B? Once the ePIR is created for the listing you wish to furnish, the two can be used together to create the right staging setup given the constraints noted above. From the kitchen of the new listing home the realtor can use to Jules to see what furniture is available, which set matches best in the home décor, and where it is currently located. Jules can help you create a work order to have it picked up and delivered to the new listing.
More efficient management of the staging furniture inventory. Do more with less. Optimal match of furniture sets to target listing homes leads to better outcomes in the selling process and a lower cost of staging inventory. In addition, should a buyer wish to buy the staging furniture along with the house, you have records of what was paid and the current value to properly price the furniture for purchase.

Home Life Management
Jules enables homeowners to efficiently manage the massive amount of information required to manage a household each day.
Instant access to daily reference information is a must in this modern, tech-crazed world we all live in. Some days you find yourself searching for misplaced, yet important, information that you don’t have the time to spend looking for. It can be simple ID numbers of your children like social security #, passport #, school ID, or driver’s license. It can be travel-related information like passport expiration dates, TSA pre-check numbers, global entry numbers, airline, or hotel club numbers. It can be passwords or PIN codes to streaming media services, or garage door openers. It can be checking the deductible on your auto insurance policy. It can be checking to see when you last changed the air filters in the house. This list goes on and on. If you don’t have instant access to all this information from wherever you happen to be, when you need it, the days get really long and frustrating. Leading many people to go to bed at night saying to themselves “Life is just too complicated!”. Let’s face it, everyday life is getting more and more information based!
Home Life Management with Jules:
Jules is a single, highly secure, online, easy to access from anywhere, information vault for households to store and manage every bit of information they need to get through each day. At the heart of Jules is an item library of over 400 items for subscribers to choose from. Each with the ability to attach documents to it, link it to other related items, tag each item for customized organization, locate each item, and share access to each item with a friend, contractor, or family member. An item ranges from physical things like refrigerators, cars, jewelry, and art, to things like wills, health directives, legal agreements, insurance policies, ID information for passports, driver’s licenses, birth certificates, etc. Once information is entered, finding it is equally as easy. Jules supports searching by keywords, locations, tags, records, and categories. When you open the item, you will see all other items linked to it as well as any access privileges you may have granted another person. Jules also monitors 100’s of date fields to trigger reminders when key dates are approaching and a link to the item they came from.
It is really all about making sure you are in control of your family life and not the other way around. It is going to bed at night knowing your life is in order. It is making sure you are spending the maximum amount of time doing the things that bring you joy, and not spending too much time just getting through the day. The more effectively this information is managed the happier you will be.

Secure Document Storage
Securely store critical documents and images in Jules by attaching them to items they support.
Building a folder hierarchy and uploading documents to Google Drive, iCloud, OneDrive or Dropbox does not enable you to manage the information contained in those documents that makes them worthy of being stored online in the first place. There are times however, when you just want to store documents or photographs for their visual benefit. Very importantly, when you do store them, you want to easily find them in the future. This is where the traditional “blank sheet” cloud storage services fall short.
Secure Document Storage with Jules:
Using Jules, you simply add the “Attachment Folder” item from the library, give it a name and description of the document, or set of documents you plan to attach, link it to any other item they relate to like a person, and then tag it say, with an event they related to. You can then add photos, drag & drop documents, or bulk load 100s of documents at a time. Then, when it comes time to find a document you can search for the item or related items or the tags. You can also share access to the folder item with any other Jules subscriber you like allowing for viewing or downloading depending on how you configured the access privileges.
Many easy to use, secure ways to organize your documents and extract important information off the documents for active management of that information. It takes yesterday’s “document” management to the modern form of document + information management. The primary benefit being time saving through efficiency.

Collaborate with Jules Users
Create Jules Connections with other Jules’s users to collaborate around shared information.
Sharing is not collaborating. Sharing is sharing. Collaborating is collaborating period.
Collaboration with Jules:
Jules allows the subscriber to create a Connection with any other Jules user. Once the connection link is established, you can now share any record or item in your Jules account with via Connection. You can also set access privileges for these items or records. Options such as view only, edit, manage attachments, share with additional Jules users, etc. A good example is a refrigerator item. The fridge has failed, and Joe’s repair service is coming to fix it. You share this item with Joe, so he sees before he sends someone out what the make, model and serial number is. He does a warranty and recall lookup before heading out. Once the fridge is repaired Joe adds his comments as to the condition of the fridge, what he did to repair it and maybe how long he thinks it might last. He can also add pictures of things he observed.
Working collaboratively is always more efficient than working independently. Furthermore, working around information available to all collaborators makes for a better outcome. In the example above, Joe sends a trained technician for this refrigerator’s model, he knows it is out of warranty but finds out there was a recall extending a portion of the warranty and makes a note in the record. Armed with this information, he can repair the fridge in one visit and leave behind in the Jules record his overall assessment of the fridge.

Estate Planning
Jules provides a platform for managing simple to complex estate plans.
Estate planning is all about making sure your wishes are carried out when it comes to passing along your stuff to your heirs. Sounds simple. It is not! This distribution of stuff should be a positive experience. It is you, passing along what you have worked so hard for to your heirs so they can be better off and enjoy the memories you built together. Often this process ends up in family squabbling, expectations not met, and an overall busting up of the family bond. The necessary information to implement the passing along process is scattered all over the place. Wills, trust documents, power of attorneys, health directives, executor assignments, bank account details, special directives, on and on.
Estate Planning with Jules:
Jules allows you to store every single bit of information relating to the passing along of the stuff.
- Identify who gets what items.
- Make sure all assets are accounted for.
- How to access all online accounts.
- Identify who oversees making sure all wishes are carried out.
- One place to store photo memorabilia.
- Store any messages that are to be passed on.
- Making sure all required legal documents are properly executed and up to date.
- The estate plan is carried out the way the person wanted it to.
- It is done with transparency, so a minimal number of surprises or disputes emerge.
- It gets done efficiently and timely, saving money.
- Family harmony is maintained.
- Assets are passed on efficiently with respect to tax planning.

Monitor Critical Dates
Never worry about missing critical dates such as birthdays, wedding anniversaries, passport & license expirations and more.
Missing or forgetting important dates can be costly and embarrassing! Forgetting about a loved one’s birthday or wedding anniversary can cost you in a personal way. Not realizing your passport has expired until the day of the planned trip will cost you monetarily and personally. Not realizing your car warranty is ending will cost you the opportunity to get problems fixed under the warranty period. Not realizing a car registration is expiring may cost you a fine. Not realizing your car insurance has expired may cost you a significant traffic fine.
Critical Date Monitoring with Jules:
Jules monitors 100’s of important date fields and notifies you in advance so you can take the appropriate action. Jules allows you to easily reset the date field once you have extended the expiration by renewing.
Never miss an important date! Save money and save the time it takes to recover from a missed important date. No need to continually be checking things like passports, car warranty expirations, pet license expirations, wedding anniversary, kid’s birthdays, TSA pre-check or Global Entry expirations, on and on!! Jules will keep track of these dates for you and keep you informed as needed.

Property & Casualty Insurance Management
Make sure you have insurance matching your risk appetite and you are in a position to properly support a claim.
Understanding your insurance details is complicated and something most people simply put off year after year, hoping that it will never matter. That is until it does! You have insurance for a reason. Having a clear understanding of what that reason is will be crucially important when the time comes when you need it. As life goes on, you accumulate more stuff. More high value stuff. Some people prefer to “self-insure”. That is fine if that is a conscious decision and not one made by default due to not paying attention. Keeping your insurance up to date and in sync with your changing life situation is essential. Just “having insurance” is not good enough. You need to have the right insurance for you. Too many people spend money on insurance they don’t really want or use and don’t spend money on insurance that will really matter when something valuable is lost, stolen or destroyed.
Property & Casualty Insurance Management with Jules:
Jules provides a way to record the important details for each insurance policy you carry. Simply the act of recording the limits, deductibles, exclusions, etc. forces you to give real thought as to whether these are right for you. Jules is a place to attach copies of the policy for quick and easy access. Jules monitors expiration dates so you never allow a policy to expire unintentionally. Use Jules to build a home inventory of all major components of what the insurance policy covers. When it comes time to shop your insurance to other providers you can share all the details using Jules with prospective providers. Jules allows you to link a policy to all the items it covers. You can easily toggle back and forth to be sure the coverages are right for that item.
When that event you never wanted to or thought would ever occur happens, you are prepared. The coverages you thought you had, were in fact those you did have. You have a complete inventory with appropriate records of what was insured to support your claim. The insurance does its job. You are covered according to your understanding and expectations. Thereby, avoiding the potentially massive out of pocket costs of recovering losses you thought would have been covered by the policy.
In addition, time is money. Using Jules to manage all these details saves you time as well.

Repairs & Services
Jules helps ensure critical items receive proper maintenance and timely repairs.
Let’s face, it as much as we love our stuff, it is a pain in the neck to get it regularly serviced and when it fails, repaired. Regular maintenance is necessary to get the maximum quality life out of important assets. Furthermore, failures always seem to occur at the most inopportune times. Regular maintenance will minimize sudden failures but not eliminate them. When they occur, you need a reliable quality service professional to get it repaired. With major appliances that do not fail very often, you may not even have someone to call. The chaos that follows a major appliance failure leads to long repair cycles and lengthy inconveniences. Keeping good enough records to know when your stuff needs regular maintenance or even maintenance you can and should do yourself like changing HVAC air filters is very hard to keep track of and prone to being put off, swept under the rug and hope it does not come back to bite you.
Repairs & Services with Jules:
Using Jules, you enter all the critical information pertaining to any given major appliance including the date of the next planned service. You enter the contact details for a service professional that services that specific appliance and you link the two of them. This way when the appliance needs servicing, Jules will notify you and when the appliance fails you will see the link to the service pro for you to contact. When contacting the service professional, you can share the details of the appliance so they can do the background warranty and recall lookup behind the scenes and make sure the right technician is sent and the right spare parts are on the truck.
Maximize the life of your major appliances, saving you money. Minimize the disruption and cost associated with a failed appliance by getting repairs done in one service call. Wait until you hear the reaction from a service pro when you can share with them the Make/Model/Serial #, age of the appliance and date it was last serviced.

Reference Information Needed Daily
Jules is available on any device, so you have around the clock access to information you need daily.
Today it is expected you have access to 100’s of pieces of digital information. Logins, passwords, license numbers, passport numbers, credit card 3-digit codes, ATM pin codes, garage access code numbers, travel numbers like TSA pre-check or Global Entry, your children’s social security numbers, second factor security codes, WIFI passwords, streaming video service logins, Apple ID passwords, Apple iTunes passwords, Microsoft account passwords, Google, on and on it goes. Trying to keep all this information in your head is impossible. Keeping it all in a spreadsheet or list locally on your laptop, in DropBox, on your phone is not only not secure but not usually accessible when and where you need it. Worse yet is keeping it all in a note pad or yellow stickies. The cost is one of time. Time is money. Time is the scarcest commodity we all own. When you file your taxes, most states require driver’s license details like your driver’s license numbers, issue dates, and expiration dates for each person you file a return for. If you are renewing your TSA Pre-Check, it requires the same details plus an image of the license or passport.
Reference Information with Jules:
Jules is highly secure and accessible to you or those you choose to share Connections with. Jules allows you to store 100’s of these types of information elements. From your phone, tablet or PC, can access all this information instantly. It takes only seconds to input the information item and seconds to retrieve the information.
Massive time saving and frustration elimination. We estimate at least 2 hours per day on average can be saved by using Jules to store all this critical daily use information. Plus, Jules is far more secure than any of the storage methods referenced above. You will be shocked to realize the total amount of time you spend hunting around for passwords, PIN codes, driver’s license numbers, passport numbers, travel numbers, etc.

24/7 Access to Medical Information
Securely manage and share your own medical information or collaborate with others to manage loved one’s medical information.
There is a lot of uncertainty as to when and how people will need to provide proof of their Covid-19 vaccination status. Getting back to work in an office, getting on a plane, allowed into a baseball stadium, being served in a restaurant, etc. Using only the physical record card you are issued by the administrator of the vaccine is full of risk. Loss, stolen, damage, illegible, forgot it, etc.
COVID-19 Vaccine Record Management with Jules:
Enter the detailed information from the card into the right fields and attach a copy of the card to the item. If you have your phone with you, your covid-19 record and the proof needed will also be with you and available.
Instant access to details and image proof of the Covid-19 vaccination record. No need to carry the original card. Store it in a safe place. Jules is far more secure than carrying the original.

Manage the Affairs of Elderly Relatives
Improper handling of a relative’s affairs can have serious consequences. Jules helps you avoid costly mistakes and family bust-ups.
Whether you are a named executor of a relative’s will, trust, health directive, have power of attorney with respect to financial affairs, or you are just trying to help a family member that needs your help, these tasks quickly become complicated and time-consuming. In addition, if they are not handled properly can lead to significant financial losses, lawsuits and worse yet family bust ups! There are enormous amounts of detailed information required to properly manage someone else’s affairs. Managing someone’s health requires details pertaining to the various doctors involved, medication being prescribed and taken, directed health wishes, and more. Managing someone’s financial affairs requires access to the financial accounts and records of other high value assets and requires a signed power of attorney with respect to these accounts and records.
All the above is predicated on the elderly relative “having their affairs in order”. Making sure there is a will or trust, health directive, power of attorney for the health directive and financial affairs, named beneficiaries on all large bank accounts, etc. Obviously, all these require witnessed or notarized signatures and should be reviewed and updated at least every 5 years or when circumstances change.
Managing the Affairs of Relatives with Jules:
Jules provides a safe and secure way to store all the needed information to properly administer the affairs of a relative or friend who cannot do it themselves and has asked for your help. It is often the case that multiple family members will collaborate in this task. Jules fully supports this approach. The people collaborating simply create a Connection in Jules and then they can share access to information with each other as it relates to the affairs of the induvial needing the help. For example, two siblings of an aging mother might divide the responsibility having one sibling handle the health-related issues and the other the financial affairs. Both would also be the back-up for each other needing access to all the other’s information. If this elderly relative should end up in a hospital needing immediate treatment, both siblings would have instant access to the list of medications the parent is taking and the dosages. Critical information for the doctors in the hospital to have when formulating a treatment plan.
We have already had a case where a life was saved by this information being readily accessible in Jules. Overall, the benefit of all this detail information being managed in Jules is one of time saving and a forced discipline to make sure it is done properly. The costs can be enormous if it is not done properly both in financial losses as well as family harmony. This applies both to while the relative is still living and needs your help and once the relative passes away and their estate is to be distributed to their named beneficiaries.

Home Life Management
Jules enables homeowners to efficiently manage the massive amount of information required to manage a household each day.

Secure Document Storage
Securely store critical documents and images in Jules by attaching them to items they support.

Collaborate with Jules Users
Create Jules Connections with other Jules users to collaborate around shared information.
Instant access to daily reference information is a must in this modern, tech-crazed world we all live in. Some days you find yourself searching for misplaced, yet important, information that you don’t have the time to spend looking for. It can be simple ID numbers of your children like social security #, passport #, school ID, or driver’s license. It can be travel-related information like passport expiration dates, TSA pre-check numbers, global entry numbers, airline, or hotel club numbers. It can be passwords or PIN codes to streaming media services, or garage door openers. It can be checking the deductible on your auto insurance policy. It can be checking to see when you last changed the air filters in the house. This list goes on and on. If you don’t have instant access to all this information from wherever you happen to be, when you need it, the days get really long and frustrating. Leading many people to go to bed at night saying to themselves “Life is just too complicated!”. Let’s face it, everyday life is getting more and more information based!
Home Life Management with Jules:
Jules is a single, highly secure, online, easy to access from anywhere, information vault for households to store and manage every bit of information they need to get through each day. At the heart of Jules is an item library of over 400 items for subscribers to choose from. Each with the ability to attach documents to it, link it to other related items, tag each item for customized organization, locate each item, and share access to each item with a friend, contractor, or family member. An item ranges from physical things like refrigerators, cars, jewelry, and art, to things like wills, health directives, legal agreements, insurance policies, ID information for passports, driver’s licenses, birth certificates, etc. Once information is entered, finding it is equally as easy. Jules supports searching by keywords, locations, tags, records, and categories. When you open the item, you will see all other items linked to it as well as any access privileges you may have granted another person. Jules also monitors 100’s of date fields to trigger reminders when key dates are approaching and a link to the item they came from.
It is really all about making sure you are in control of your family life and not the other way around. It is going to bed at night knowing your life is in order. It is making sure you are spending the maximum amount of time doing the things that bring you joy, and not spending too much time just getting through the day. The more effectively this information is managed the happier you will be.
Building a folder hierarchy and uploading documents to Google Drive, iCloud, OneDrive or Dropbox does not enable you to manage the information contained in those documents that makes them worthy of being stored online in the first place. There are times however, when you just want to store documents or photographs for their visual benefit. Very importantly, when you do store them, you want to easily find them in the future. This is where the traditional “blank sheet” cloud storage services fall short.
Secure Document Storage with Jules:
Using Jules, you simply add the “Attachment Folder” item from the library, give it a name and description of the document, or set of documents you plan to attach, link it to any other item they relate to like a person, and then tag it say, with an event they related to. You can then add photos, drag & drop documents, or bulk load 100s of documents at a time. Then, when it comes time to find a document you can search for the item or related items or the tags. You can also share access to the folder item with any other Jules subscriber you like allowing for viewing or downloading depending on how you configured the access privileges.
Many easy to use, secure ways to organize your documents and extract important information off the documents for active management of that information. It takes yesterday’s “document” management to the modern form of document + information management. The primary benefit being time saving through efficiency.
Sharing is not collaborating. Sharing is sharing. Collaborating is collaborating period.
Collaboration with Jules:
Jules allows the subscriber to create a Connection with any other Jules user. Once the connection link is established, you can now share any record or item in your Jules account with via Connection. You can also set access privileges for these items or records. Options such as view only, edit, manage attachments, share with additional Jules users, etc. A good example is a refrigerator item. The fridge has failed, and Joe’s repair service is coming to fix it. You share this item with Joe, so he sees before he sends someone out what the make, model and serial number is. He does a warranty and recall lookup before heading out. Once the fridge is repaired Joe adds his comments as to the condition of the fridge, what he did to repair it and maybe how long he thinks it might last. He can also add pictures of things he observed.
Working collaboratively is always more efficient than working independently. Furthermore, working around information available to all collaborators makes for a better outcome. In the example above, Joe sends a trained technician for this refrigerator’s model, he knows it is out of warranty but finds out there was a recall extending a portion of the warranty and makes a note in the record. Armed with this information, he can repair the fridge in one visit and leave behind in the Jules record his overall assessment of the fridge.

Estate Planning
Jules provides a platform for managing estate plans ranging form simple to complex.

Monitor Critical Dates
Never worry about missing critical dates such as birthdays, wedding anniversaries, passport & license expirations and more.

Property & Casualty Insurance Management
Make sure you have insurance matching your risk appetite and you are in a position to properly support a claim.
Estate planning is all about making sure your wishes are carried out when it comes to passing along your stuff to your heirs. Sounds simple. It is not! This distribution of stuff should be a positive experience. It is you, passing along what you have worked so hard for to your heirs so they can be better off and enjoy the memories you built together. Often this process ends up in family squabbling, expectations not met, and an overall busting up of the family bond. The necessary information to implement the passing along process is scattered all over the place. Wills, trust documents, power of attorneys, health directives, executor assignments, bank account details, special directives, on and on.
Estate Planning with Jules:
Jules allows you to store every single bit of information relating to the passing along of the stuff.
- Identify who gets what items.
- Make sure all assets are accounted for.
- How to access all online accounts.
- Identify who oversees making sure all wishes are carried out.
- One place to store photo memorabilia.
- Store any messages that are to be passed on.
- Making sure all required legal documents are properly executed and up to date.
- The estate plan is carried out the way the person wanted it to.
- It is done with transparency, so a minimal number of surprises or disputes emerge.
- It gets done efficiently and timely, saving money.
- Family harmony is maintained.
- Assets are passed on efficiently with respect to tax planning.
Missing or forgetting important dates can be costly and embarrassing! Forgetting about a loved one’s birthday or wedding anniversary can cost you in a personal way. Not realizing your passport has expired until the day of the planned trip will cost you monetarily and personally. Not realizing your car warranty is ending will cost you the opportunity to get problems fixed under the warranty period. Not realizing a car registration is expiring may cost you a fine. Not realizing your car insurance has expired may cost you a significant traffic fine.
Critical Date Monitoring with Jules:
Jules monitors 100’s of important date fields and notifies you in advance so you can take the appropriate action. Jules allows you to easily reset the date field once you have extended the expiration by renewing.
Never miss an important date! Save money and save the time it takes to recover from a missed important date. No need to continually be checking things like passports, car warranty expirations, pet license expirations, wedding anniversary, kid’s birthdays, TSA pre-check or Global Entry expirations, on and on!! Jules will keep track of these dates for you and keep you informed as needed.
Understanding your insurance details is complicated and something most people simply put off year after year, hoping that it will never matter. That is until it does! You have insurance for a reason. Having a clear understanding of what that reason is will be crucially important when the time comes when you need it. As life goes on, you accumulate more stuff. More high value stuff. Some people prefer to “self-insure”. That is fine if that is a conscious decision and not one made by default due to not paying attention. Keeping your insurance up to date and in sync with your changing life situation is essential. Just “having insurance” is not good enough. You need to have the right insurance for you. Too many people spend money on insurance they don’t really want or use and don’t spend money on insurance that will really matter when something valuable is lost, stolen or destroyed.
Property & Casualty Insurance Management with Jules:
Jules provides a way to record the important details for each insurance policy you carry. Simply the act of recording the limits, deductibles, exclusions, etc. forces you to give real thought as to whether these are right for you. Jules is a place to attach copies of the policy for quick and easy access. Jules monitors expiration dates so you never allow a policy to expire unintentionally. Use Jules to build a home inventory of all major components of what the insurance policy covers. When it comes time to shop your insurance to other providers you can share all the details using Jules with prospective providers. Jules allows you to link a policy to all the items it covers. You can easily toggle back and forth to be sure the coverages are right for that item.
When that event you never wanted to or thought would ever occur happens, you are prepared. The coverages you thought you had, were in fact those you did have. You have a complete inventory with appropriate records of what was insured to support your claim. The insurance does its job. You are covered according to your understanding and expectations. Thereby, avoiding the potentially massive out of pocket costs of recovering losses you thought would have been covered by the policy.
In addition, time is money. Using Jules to manage all these details saves you time as well.

Repairs & Services
Jules helps ensure critical items receive proper maintenance and timely repairs.

Reference Information Needed Daily
Jules is available on any device, so you have around the clock access to information you need daily.

24/7 Access to Medical Information
Securely manage and share your own medical information or collaborate with others to manage a loved one’s medical information.
Let’s face, it as much as we love our stuff, it is a pain in the neck to get it regularly serviced and when it fails, repaired. Regular maintenance is necessary to get the maximum quality life out of important assets. Furthermore, failures always seem to occur at the most inopportune times. Regular maintenance will minimize sudden failures but not eliminate them. When they occur, you need a reliable quality service professional to get it repaired. With major appliances that do not fail very often, you may not even have someone to call. The chaos that follows a major appliance failure leads to long repair cycles and lengthy inconveniences. Keeping good enough records to know when your stuff needs regular maintenance or even maintenance you can and should do yourself like changing HVAC air filters is very hard to keep track of and prone to being put off, swept under the rug and hope it does not come back to bite you.
Repairs & Services with Jules:
Using Jules, you enter all the critical information pertaining to any given major appliance including the date of the next planned service. You enter the contact details for a service professional that services that specific appliance and you link the two of them. This way when the appliance needs servicing, Jules will notify you and when the appliance fails you will see the link to the service pro for you to contact. When contacting the service professional, you can share the details of the appliance so they can do the background warranty and recall lookup behind the scenes and make sure the right technician is sent and the right spare parts are on the truck.
Maximize the life of your major appliances, saving you money. Minimize the disruption and cost associated with a failed appliance by getting repairs done in one service call. Wait until you hear the reaction from a service pro when you can share with them the Make/Model/Serial #, age of the appliance and date it was last serviced.
Today it is expected you have access to 100’s of pieces of digital information. Logins, passwords, license numbers, passport numbers, credit card 3-digit codes, ATM pin codes, garage access code numbers, travel numbers like TSA pre-check or Global Entry, your children’s social security numbers, second factor security codes, WIFI passwords, streaming video service logins, Apple ID passwords, Apple iTunes passwords, Microsoft account passwords, Google, on and on it goes. Trying to keep all this information in your head is impossible. Keeping it all in a spreadsheet or list locally on your laptop, in DropBox, on your phone is not only not secure but not usually accessible when and where you need it. Worse yet is keeping it all in a note pad or yellow stickies. The cost is one of time. Time is money. Time is the scarcest commodity we all own. When you file your taxes, most states require driver’s license details like your driver’s license numbers, issue dates, and expiration dates for each person you file a return for. If you are renewing your TSA Pre-Check, it requires the same details plus an image of the license or passport.
Reference Information with Jules:
Jules is highly secure and accessible to you or those you choose to share Connections with. Jules allows you to store 100’s of these types of information elements. From your phone, tablet or PC, can access all this information instantly. It takes only seconds to input the information item and seconds to retrieve the information.
Massive time saving and frustration elimination. We estimate at least 2 hours per day on average can be saved by using Jules to store all this critical daily use information. Plus, Jules is far more secure than any of the storage methods referenced above. You will be shocked to realize the total amount of time you spend hunting around for passwords, PIN codes, driver’s license numbers, passport numbers, travel numbers, etc.
There is a lot of uncertainty as to when and how people will need to provide proof of their Covid-19 vaccination status. Getting back to work in an office, getting on a plane, allowed into a baseball stadium, being served in a restaurant, etc. Using only the physical record card you are issued by the administrator of the vaccine is full of risk. Loss, stolen, damage, illegible, forgot it, etc.
COVID-19 Vaccine Record Management with Jules:
Enter the detailed information from the card into the right fields and attach a copy of the card to the item. If you have your phone with you, your covid-19 record and the proof needed will also be with you and available.
Instant access to details and image proof of the Covid-19 vaccination record. No need to carry the original card. Store it in a safe place. Jules is far more secure than carrying the original.

Manage the Affairs of Elderly Relatives
Improper handling of a relative’s affairs can have serious consequences. Jules helps you avoid costly mistakes and family bust-ups.
Whether you are a named executor of a relative’s will, trust, health directive, have power of attorney with respect to financial affairs, or you are just trying to help a family member that needs your help, these tasks quickly become complicated and time-consuming. In addition, if they are not handled properly can lead to significant financial losses, lawsuits and worse yet family bust ups! There are enormous amounts of detailed information required to properly manage someone else’s affairs. Managing someone’s health requires details pertaining to the various doctors involved, medication being prescribed and taken, directed health wishes, and more. Managing someone’s financial affairs requires access to the financial accounts and records of other high value assets, and requires a signed power of attorney with respect to these accounts and records.
All the above is predicated on the elderly relative “having their affairs in order”. Making sure there is a will or trust, health directive, power of attorney for the health directive and financial affairs, named beneficiaries on all large bank accounts, etc. Obviously, all these require witnessed or notarized signatures and should be reviewed and updated at least every 5 years or when circumstances change.
Managing the Affairs of Relatives with Jules:
Jules provides a safe and secure way to store all the needed information to properly administer the affairs of a relative or friend who cannot do it themselves and has asked for your help. It is often the case that multiple family members will collaborate in this task. Jules fully supports this approach. The people collaborating simply create a Connection in Jules and then they can share access to information with each other as it relates to the affairs of the induvial needing the help. For example, two siblings of an aging mother might divide the responsibility having one sibling handle the health-related issues and the other the financial affairs. Both would also be the back-up for each other needing access to all the other’s information. If this elderly relative should end up in a hospital needing immediate treatment, both siblings would have instant access to the list of medications the parent is taking and the dosages. Critical information for the doctors in the hospital to have when formulating a treatment plan.
We have already had a case where a life was saved by this information being readily accessible in Jules. Overall, the benefit of all this detail information being managed in Jules is one of time saving and a forced discipline to make sure it is done properly. The costs can be enormous if it is not done properly both in financial losses as well as family harmony. This applies both to while the relative is still living and needs your help and once the relative passes away and their estate is to be distributed to their named beneficiaries.

Electronic Property Information Record (ePIR)
The Jules ePIR is a secure place to store and manage all the details of a property.
When a build project is completed and the new owner takes possession, they receive a plastic box or large set of three ring binders stuffed with user manuals, color palettes, care instructions, warranty cards, registration information, all in paper form. Most new homeowners never open these binders. Often the user manuals are for a range of models and do not include the specific model # of the item you have and rarely include serial numbers. Obviously, as manufacturers update their manuals, the manuals the homeowner has becomes obsolete. Information in this form is not easily shared nor accessible remotely.
Electronic Property Information Record with Jules:
Using Jules, the Builder creates an ePIR as the build project progresses. As things become “as-built” the details get added to Jules. When appliances arrive onsite the project manager can enter the details right from the detail label affixed to the outside of the box. From the design book or when paint gets applied to walls or tile laid on floors the details get added to Jules. When the HVAC equipment arrives onsite the details get added to Jules. Try finding these details once a furnace is installed in a tight crawl space in the attic or basement. All subcontractors contact information and license details can be added then linked to the part of the house they are responsible for. The details relating to their work can be shared with the subcontractor. Care instructions and recommended regular service plans get input into the ePIR.
When the project is complete, the new owner opens a personal Jules account, and the builder then transfers the ePIR to their account. The new owner then shares this record with the builder so effective collaboration occurs during the home warranty period. A typical “punch list” is created in Jules along with work orders as work is identified. All done collaboratively between the owner, the builder and any subcontractor doing the work. Full transparency.
The ePIR is then maintained by the current homeowner and when the property is sold in the future the ePIR is transferred again to the new owner adding value to the home each step of the way. As remodels get performed on the house the homeowner shares the record with the chosen contractor and they update the ePIR as the remodel project proceeds.
The builder has a new powerful tool to better manage the build project with all the details of what is in the house available online to the entire team working on the project. Better coordination leads to less costly re-work, more efficient scheduling, better quality home and overall lower build cost. When the project is complete, the builder delivers to the owner an ePIR which is far more valuable than its predecessor (plastic binder full of paper), thereby earning the reputation as a leading-edge tech builder and increasing project profitability all the way through the warranty period. As a result of the care and recommended maintenance schedules having been input into Jules, notifications trigger when the time comes for the homeowner to perform the care and maintenance insuring a better outcome for the homeowner and improved customer satisfaction for the builder.

Manage Business Equipment & Information
Manage the critical details relating to your business with Jules such as equipment, contracts, licenses and more.
If a builder owns company pick-up trucks, earth moving equipment, and other high value tools, keeping all these properly serviced and repaired can be a large task. Having essential equipment break down due to not properly maintaining it can be costly to a project. Also, tracking depreciated value, registration expirations, business insurance details, legal contracts, etc. all needs to be effectively managed.
Manage Business Equipment and Info with Jules:
Jules provides a highly secure, online place to easily store and manage all this information. All critical expiration date fields are monitored, and notifications are triggered when a date is nearing an expiration. Jules allows you to set an expected life on any major equipment and track its depreciated value. When a piece of equipment breaks down in the field, you have all the information at your fingertips to start the repair process. You can add service professionals and link them to the equipment they service. When you search for the failed piece of equipment, the linked service professional will also appear. You can then create a work order and share it with this service pro to manage the repair process.
Maximize the lifetime value of all major equipment and minimize downtime of equipment thereby improving build project efficiency. Saving time and saving money while making sure all business information is managed securely and effectively avoids unnecessary costs when contracts or policies expire or cannot be located in a timely manner regardless of location.

Electronic Property Information Record (ePIR)
The Jules ePIR is a secure place to store and manage all the details of a property.

Manage Business Equipment & Information
Manage the critical details relating to your business with Jules such as equipment, contracts, licenses and more.
When a build project is completed and the new owner takes possession, they receive a plastic box or large set of three ring binders stuffed with user manuals, color palettes, care instructions, warranty cards, registration information, all in paper form. Most new homeowners never open these binders. Often the user manuals are for a range of models and do not include the specific model # of the item you have and rarely include serial numbers. Obviously, as manufacturers update their manuals, the manuals the homeowner has becomes obsolete. Information in this form is not easily shared nor accessible remotely.
Electronic Property Information Record with Jules:
Using Jules, the Builder creates an ePIR as the build project progresses. As things become “as-built” the details get added to Jules. When appliances arrive onsite the project manager can enter the details right from the detail label affixed to the outside of the box. From the design book or when paint gets applied to walls or tile laid on floors the details get added to Jules. When the HVAC equipment arrives onsite the details get added to Jules. Try finding these details once a furnace is installed in a tight crawl space in the attic or basement. All subcontractors contact information and license details can be added then linked to the part of the house they are responsible for. The details relating to their work can be shared with the subcontractor. Care instructions and recommended regular service plans get input into the ePIR.
When the project is complete, the new owner opens a personal Jules account, and the builder then transfers the ePIR to their account. The new owner then shares this record with the builder so effective collaboration occurs during the home warranty period. A typical “punch list” is created in Jules along with work orders as work is identified. All done collaboratively between the owner, the builder and any subcontractor doing the work. Full transparency.
The ePIR is then maintained by the current homeowner and when the property is sold in the future the ePIR is transferred again to the new owner adding value to the home each step of the way. As remodels get performed on the house the homeowner shares the record with the chosen contractor and they update the ePIR as the remodel project proceeds.
The builder has a new powerful tool to better manage the build project with all the details of what is in the house available online to the entire team working on the project. Better coordination leads to less costly re-work, more efficient scheduling, better quality home and overall lower build cost. When the project is complete, the builder delivers to the owner an ePIR which is far more valuable than its predecessor (plastic binder full of paper), thereby earning the reputation as a leading-edge tech builder and increasing project profitability all the way through the warranty period. As a result of the care and recommended maintenance schedules having been input into Jules, notifications trigger when the time comes for the homeowner to perform the care and maintenance insuring a better outcome for the homeowner and improved customer satisfaction for the builder.
If a builder owns company pick-up trucks, earth moving equipment, and other high value tools, keeping all these properly serviced and repaired can be a large task. Having essential equipment break down due to not properly maintaining it can be costly to a project. Also, tracking depreciated value, registration expirations, business insurance details, legal contracts, etc. all needs to be effectively managed.
Manage Business Equipment and Info with Jules:
Jules provides a highly secure, online place to easily store and manage all this information. All critical expiration date fields are monitored, and notifications are triggered when a date is nearing an expiration. Jules allows you to set an expected life on any major equipment and track its depreciated value. When a piece of equipment breaks down in the field, you have all the information at your fingertips to start the repair process. You can add service professionals and link them to the equipment they service. When you search for the failed piece of equipment, the linked service professional will also appear. You can then create a work order and share it with this service pro to manage the repair process.
Maximize the lifetime value of all major equipment and minimize downtime of equipment thereby improving build project efficiency. Saving time and saving money while making sure all business information is managed securely and effectively avoids unnecessary costs when contracts or policies expire or cannot be located in a timely manner regardless of location.

Electronic Property Information Record (ePIR)
The Jules electronic Property Information Record makes managing properties a breeze, whether you are managing one property or an entire rental pool.
Whether you are managing one property for a private owner or many properties in a rental pool, if you do not have access to the details of everything in the property your job just got a whole lot harder. When equipment needs fixing or servicing, and you are not onsite to capture the details regarding the item in need of repairs, getting the repair scheduled and completed efficiently and cost effectively is very unlikely. Keeping track of alarm codes, access codes, WIFI passwords, heating and entertainment instructions, service professionals, location of water and gas shutoff valves etc. is also next to impossible if you do not have an online place to store and manage this information. All this leads to unhappy owners and renters. In this modern era of technology owners and renters expect quick service and answers to these issues. You cannot count on being onsite to respond to the many issues that arise.
Electronic Property Information Record with Jules:
Jules provides a property manager an easy-to-use platform for managing all the information that relates to managing a property. It starts with details of each item in the home. Equipment, furniture, TV’s, location of emergency shutoff valves like gas and water, etc. Also includes information pertaining to all utility providers and service professionals that keep the home running. If one service professional is used to service multiple properties, Jules allows you to link that service pro to each property they service. Jules also provides a place to store and manage insurance certifications, W9 forms, short term rental permits, etc. All expiration date fields are monitored, and notifications are triggered when any are coming due for renewal. The property manager can generate a work order when repairs are needed and share access to this work order with the service professional performing the work.
With access to all this information online, a property manager can manage more properties efficiently and at a lower cost. They can quickly address emergency situations like gas or water leaks. In addition, each ePIR can ultimately become the responsibility of the owner to maintain. The homeowner then shares access to the ePIR with the property manager so they can effectively collaborate when it comes to shared responsibilities. The property manager, the homeowner, and the renter all have a better experience.

Electronic Property Information Record for Community Properties
The Jules ePIR can also be used to manage community property such as restaurants, fitness centers, golf maintenance equipment and more.
Whether you are managing a restaurant with a commercial kitchen, a fitness center full of equipment, or a golf club with a clubhouse and a full set of golf course maintenance equipment, there will be enormous, detailed information required to do it efficiently. If this information is not readily available any time, any day, your business operations will suffer. Just the HVAC equipment alone can run into the $500K range. This equipment requires regular maintenance and timely repairs when problems arise. You need on-call service professionals to provide maintenance and repairs. In turn, these professional service technicians need to know what they are repairing. Significant collaboration amongst all parties will be required to keep any significant operation running smoothly.
ePIR for Community Properties with Jules
The Jules ePIR provides all the items a commercial operation requires whether it is a golf course, a restaurant, a fitness center, a clubhouse, a community pool, or spas. The property manager builds the ePIR by first selecting all the items present on the property then inputs all the details. Jules also offers a commercial White Glove service to help with this activity. Once the details are in the ePIR then the service professionals on call can add their information. The property manager then links and shares the relevant item details to and with the assigned service professional. Thus, enabling full collaboration amongst all parties responsible the smooth operation of the facilities.
Proper maintenance of major equipment is insured leading to maximum useful life for each piece of equipment. Repairs are performed promptly as the technician arrives armed with the full knowledge of what he or she is coming to repair. Keeping critical equipment running at all times is essential to the profitable operation of the community services. Any downtime is lost revenue or increased cost of operation.

Electronic Property Information Record (ePIR)
The Jules electronic Property Information Record makes managing properties a breeze, whether you are managing one property or an entire rental pool.

Electronic Property Information Record (ePIR) for Community Properties
The Jules ePIR can also be used to manage community properties such as restaurants, fitness centers, golf courses, and more.
Whether you are managing one property for a private owner or many properties in a rental pool, if you do not have access to the details of everything in the property your job just got a whole lot harder. When equipment needs fixing or servicing, and you are not onsite to capture the details regarding the item in need of repairs, getting the repair scheduled and completed efficiently and cost effectively is very unlikely. Keeping track of alarm codes, access codes, WIFI passwords, heating and entertainment instructions, service professionals, location of water and gas shutoff valves etc. is also next to impossible if you do not have an online place to store and manage this information. All this leads to unhappy owners and renters. In this modern era of technology owners and renters expect quick service and answers to these issues. You cannot count on being onsite to respond to the many issues that arise.
Electronic Property Information Record with Jules:
Jules provides a property manager an easy-to-use platform for managing all the information that relates to managing a property. It starts with details of each item in the home. Equipment, furniture, TV’s, location of emergency shutoff valves like gas and water, etc. Also includes information pertaining to all utility providers and service professionals that keep the home running. If one service professional is used to service multiple properties, Jules allows you to link that service pro to each property they service. Jules also provides a place to store and manage insurance certifications, W9 forms, short term rental permits, etc. All expiration date fields are monitored, and notifications are triggered when any are coming due for renewal. The property manager can generate a work order when repairs are needed and share access to this work order with the service professional performing the work.
With access to all this information online, a property manager can manage more properties efficiently and at a lower cost. They can quickly address emergency situations like gas or water leaks. In addition, each ePIR can ultimately become the responsibility of the owner to maintain. The homeowner then shares access to the ePIR with the property manager so they can effectively collaborate when it comes to shared responsibilities. The property manager, the homeowner, and the renter all have a better experience.
Whether you are managing a restaurant with a commercial kitchen, a fitness center full of equipment, or a golf club with a clubhouse and a full set of golf course maintenance equipment, there will be enormous, detailed information required to do it efficiently. If this information is not readily available any time, any day, your business operations will suffer. Just the HVAC equipment alone can run into the $500K range. This equipment requires regular maintenance and timely repairs when problems arise. You need on-call service professionals to provide maintenance and repairs. In turn, these professional service technicians need to know what they are repairing. Significant collaboration amongst all parties will be required to keep any significant operation running smoothly.
ePIR for Community Properties with Jules
The Jules ePIR provides all the items a commercial operation requires whether it is a golf course, a restaurant, a fitness center, a clubhouse, a community pool, or spas. The property manager builds the ePIR by first selecting all the items present on the property then inputs all the details. Jules also offers a commercial White Glove service to help with this activity. Once the details are in the ePIR then the service professionals on call can add their information. The property manager then links and shares the relevant item details to and with the assigned service professional. Thus, enabling full collaboration amongst all parties responsible the smooth operation of the facilities.
Proper maintenance of major equipment is insured leading to maximum useful life for each piece of equipment. Repairs are performed promptly as the technician arrives armed with the full knowledge of what he or she is coming to repair. Keeping critical equipment running at all times is essential to the profitable operation of the community services. Any downtime is lost revenue or increased cost of operation.

Electronic Property Information Record (ePIR)
Every home deserves an electronic Property Information Record (ePIR).
A Jules ePIR allows you to quickly add value to a listing and differentiate from the competition.
Finding out exactly what is in each house listing is near impossible. Details such as the make and model of the kitchen appliances, the age of all major equipment, the type of wood used for the flooring, the brand of windows and doors, the material used for the main kitchen counter, paint colors, plumbing and lighting fixtures, earthquake standards, presence of gas shutoff valves or leak detection systems, etc. Without access to this detailed information, pricing and marketing a home, defending a homes value in price negotiation, and responding to prospective buyer’s questions all become more time consuming, error prone and challenging.
Electronic Property Information Record with Jules:
Using Jules, the listing realtor adds all the details of a home when they do the initial walk-through with selling homeowner. The listing agent can request the homeowner add the information or can contract with Jules for our White Glove service to do it. It is also possible the listed home already has a Jules ePIR. Realtors should ask first. If any work is being done in anticipation of the new listing this all can be added to the Jules ePIR. All information pertaining to the utilities servicing the home can be added. Same for existing maintenance and repair contractors the new buyer may wish to employ.
The more the listing agent knows about the property the more likely they are to get an optimized price for the home. With easy access to the details about the house, the smoother the selling process will go – enabling an agent to manage more listings at one time. Reduce the risk of communicating incorrect information about a home to a prospective buyer that could lead to a sale falling through. Finally, an ePIR makes a great housewarming gift for the new buyers. Something they will really use and appreciate when they move in.

Manage Staging Furniture
24/7 access to the details and location of all your staging furniture.
With multiple listings and multiple warehouse locations, managing staging furniture is a major challenge for realtors that do their own staging. Knowing where each piece of furniture is at any given time is a challenge. When walking a potential new listing and trying to decide what furniture would go best given the available inventory, color schemes and size constraints is also a challenge.
Manage Staging Furniture with Jules:
Jules provides a place to input all the relevant details for a piece of staging furniture. Attach an image of the piece, purchase date and amount, use linking or tagging to create a set of furniture, add size measurements, and more. Also add the location of each item. Where is that piece now? Is it in listing A or warehouse B? Once the ePIR is created for the listing you wish to furnish, the two can be used together to create the right staging setup given the constraints noted above. From the kitchen of the new listing home the realtor can use to Jules to see what furniture is available, which set matches best in the home décor, and where it is currently located. Jules can help you create a work order to have it picked up and delivered to the new listing.
More efficient management of the staging furniture inventory. Do more with less. Optimal match of furniture sets to target listing homes leads to better outcomes in the selling process and a lower cost of staging inventory. In addition, should a buyer wish to buy the staging furniture along with the house, you have records of what was paid and the current value to properly price the furniture for purchase.

Electronic Property Information Record (ePIR)
Every home deserves an electronic Property Information Record (ePIR).

Manage Staging Furniture
Retain 24/7 access to the details and location of all your staging furniture.
A Jules ePIR allows you to quickly add value to a listing and differentiate from the competition.
Finding out exactlywhat is in each house listing is near impossible. Details such as the make and model of the kitchen appliances, the age of all major equipment, the type of wood used for the flooring, the brand of windows and doors, the material used for the main kitchen counter, paint colors, plumbing and lighting fixtures, earthquake standards, presence of gas shutoff valves or leak detection systems, etc. Without access to this detailed information, pricing and marketing a home, defending a homes value in price negotiation, and responding to prospective buyer’s questions all become more time consuming, error prone and challenging.
Electronic Property Information Record with Jules:
Using Jules, the listing realtor adds all the details of a home when they do the initial walk-through with selling homeowner. The listing agent can request the homeowner add the information or can contract with Jules for our White Glove service to do it. It is also possible the listed home already has a Jules ePIR. Realtors should ask first. If any work is being done in anticipation of the new listing this all can be added to the Jules ePIR. All information pertaining to the utilities servicing the home can be added. Same for existing maintenance and repair contractors the new buyer may wish to employ.
The more the listing agent knows about the property the more likely they are to get an optimized price for the home. With easy access to the details about the house, the smoother the selling process will go – enabling an agent to manage more listings at one time. Reduce the risk of communicating incorrect information about a home to a prospective buyer that could lead to a sale falling through. Finally, an ePIR makes a great housewarming gift for the new buyers. Something they will really use and appreciate when they move in.
With multiple listings and multiple warehouse locations, managing staging furniture is a major challenge for realtors that do their own staging. Knowing where each piece of furniture is at any given time is a challenge. When walking a potential new listing and trying to decide what furniture would go best given the available inventory, color schemes and size constraints is also a challenge.
Manage Staging Furniture with Jules:
Jules provides a place to input all the relevant details for a piece of staging furniture. Attach an image of the piece, purchase date and amount, use linking or tagging to create a set of furniture, add size measurements, and more. Also add the location of each item. Where is that piece now? Is it in listing A or warehouse B? Once the ePIR is created for the listing you wish to furnish, the two can be used together to create the right staging setup given the constraints noted above. From the kitchen of the new listing home the realtor can use to Jules to see what furniture is available, which set matches best in the home décor, and where it is currently located. Jules can help you create a work order to have it picked up and delivered to the new listing.
More efficient management of the staging furniture inventory. Do more with less. Optimal match of furniture sets to target listing homes leads to better outcomes in the selling process and a lower cost of staging inventory. In addition, should a buyer wish to buy the staging furniture along with the house, you have records of what was paid and the current value to properly price the furniture for purchase.